Wednesday, October 28


Nothing is going to happen on 21 Dec 2012 unless we make it happen !

It is like standing in the ocean. You can see the perfect wave coming. The wave of spiritual upliftment. Now if you just stand there and do nothing the big wave will knock you in to the sand. You know how that feels, not that nice. Then there is people that dive under the wave. These are the people that have not explored their spiritual soul. They have pushed the new revelations of the spirit in to their subconscious.

But what you can do is when they wave comes along is to jump up and greet it full heartily. Swim with it and ride it till the end. Enjoy it to the end. But the secret it that you have to make the first move. You have to jump !!

So what does this jump mean in our day to day live. 'Seeing' the spiritual behind all chance encounters. Bringing forth understanding and kindness where most people react with violence and revenge. Talking to the spirits of nature. Greeting the Angels. At night reconnect your heart with the Divine.

Where you go in life let your heart consciously beam the Love, bean the life, beam the light.

So that when 2012 comes along you don't need to ascend but you can show the others the road towards the Light.

Thursday, October 15

The sword

The truth is a extremely sharp two edge sword that cut through greed deception jealousy and envy.

Always speak the truth even if it is painful for you. When you tell people what happened in the past don’t exaggerate the story to impress them. Try and stay as close to the truth as you can.

The more you speak the truth the more self confidence you will start to get. There will grow a strength in your step. You health will increase. Then over time you will start feel the power of justice and truth vibrate your body. It will become a force that you can beam and transmit. A force that will not let you sit passively while there is untruth near you.

As a warrior of the new world take up your sword day by day and cut to pieces the old world where money and deception holds sway.

With the sword of truth in your hand and the Light of Love in your heart we can lift our world up to the coming of the new dawn.

Wednesday, October 14

Spiritual shopping

Every object in the material world has got a spiritual foundation where it has it's roots. Compare a jersey you buy from a big retail shop with one that your Grandmother has made lovingly by hand for you. Although physical both is more or less exactly the same we all know that spiritually there is a big difference between the two. What is the difference ??

With every knit your Grandmother has put her love in the jersey. You can feel it when you put on this jersey. It wraps you in a warm feeling of love and protection. With a retail jersey you don't feel this.

So with all items that is made the feelings and thoughts of the maker goes in to the product that he/she is making. This is especially strong with making food. The food that you eat also effects you more directly. Compare the food a Mother has made for her child to that of a fast food chain. I dont mean the vitamins and nutrition of the food. The two 'burgers' can be exactly the same but the one that the Mother has made out of love will be much much more potent.

Not only should you be careful of what you eat but by who the food has been made and what kind of feelings and thoughts the person had at the time. And with the example of the jersey we see that this counts also for material objects. Not only cloths but any thing that you can buy.

This not only goes for the maker but also the seller. If you buy something from a greedy person you carry some part of that with you in the product that you have bought from this person. The opposite is also true that if you buy some thing from a kind loving person that has no interest in profit but helping her costumers, the spiritual part of the product will have that.

So don't go running after the cheaps bargain you can find. Also take in consideration the maker, seller and the company. Do spiritual shopping!

I came across a great idea in Melbourne. A restaurant I visited did not have any prices on their menu. At the end of your meal they ask you only to pay what the meal was worth for you. Yes this leaves the door open for people to take advantage but you also have the blessing of great kindness. I think this is the future way of things as the world population gets more spiritual.

This concept of spiritual shopping goes even further. Take for instant software. Compare big software companies that is all your for profit and world market monopoly with this philosophy.

"One of the sayings in our country is Ubuntu - the essence of being human. Ubuntu speaks particularly about the fact that you can't exist as a human being in isolation. It speaks about our interconnectedness. You can't be human all by yourself, and when you have this quality - Ubuntu - you are known for your generosity."

Ubuntu is software based on the above philosophy and it is for free. From a materialistic point it does not make a difference but if you look at it spiritually there is a huge difference.

In your life start looking at the spiritual aspects behind all material things and also the philosophy of companies. It is also great fun doing spiritual shopping. You will also notice that when you have bought something in the spiritual way you feel much better. It has much more sentimental value for you. Or should i rather say a spiritual connection with you.

Love and Kindness