Sunday, May 23

Updating Christianity

Jesus is not standing at your door trying to get in. The Almighty Divine is inside your heart trying to get out.

Don't try to convert 'the lost' to your belief system but love them with out words.

Jesus is not coming back for you, he is already here for everyone. It is us that have to meet him halfway in the spiritual world.

Jesus did not die for your sins. He just set the example so that you can take responsibility for your own actions. You have to die to your own sins.

What is sins but just mistakes. What is mistakes but just way's to learn and grow spiritually. So how can you grow spiritually without sins. So what a great blessing sins are !?

The Divine loves a worm on the bottom of the ocean just as much as She loves you. She Loves the most deepest evil just as much as She loves her dearest child. Can you do the same ?

Saturday, May 22


Some where in the future each human will loose his shadow. Not because of the change in the sun or moon. But because the light in each human will slowly start to shine brighter and brighter. That divine spark of Pure Love and Crystal Light. So that each one of us will shine so bright that we do not cast shadows any more. Each one will know the he/she is the Light.

So start shining !!!

Monday, May 3


The further away you are from The Divine the more hierarchically the universe is. The closer you are to The Divine the more you see every being as your equal brother.