Sunday, November 15


Well lets see,,, to get how come flowers have colours and fragrance I have to start with the plant first. If you look at a plant and take away all the physical molecules.  Imagine all the physical molecules gone but keep the essence of the plant there. Now you are left with a spiritual being that grows and reproduce. This growing/reproducing,,  make the plant alive.  It has a life force body. If you are in nature just after a rain storm and all the plants/nature is growing and alive .. what you are feeling is the life force of nature.  Each plant has a life force. Its body is made out of this life force. In Christian mystical tradition it is called an Etheric body.  Every thing on mother earth that is alive have got an etheric body.. (life force body)

Now this Life force body of the plant,, takes up molecules from it roots..  Water and minerals. When these molecules are inside the spiritual body of the plant we see the plant. The etheric body is like a empty bowl (with geometric patterns, movement and forms) and the physical molecules fill it in.

Now the spiritual being of the plant have growth down-ward and a growth upward. The growth down ward is the longing for mother earth. When are you where a child you have this longing/yearning/comfort to be in the arms of your mother. The plants roots have this same feeling and thus grows down wards.

The Sun plays a big roll in the life of plants. The Sun shines on all Life/warmth/Light/Love,,  As each human being is longing and yearning for spiritual growth towards the Divine.  So each plant has the same longing/yearning to come closer to Father Sun. (Which is a great spiritual being). This longing/yearning pushes/pulls the plant to grow towards the Sun.  Leaf after leaf from stems and branches the plant yearns for the Love of her Father the Sun.

When this yearning reaches a climax the plant pushes in to the astral world. When the Etheric body of the plant touches the Astral plain it transforms the physical molecules in to the patterns of flowers. The colors of the flowers is representative of the joyful feelings of the plant. That is why you have feelings when looking at flowers because they are the happy and joyful feelings of the plants.  An comparison would in the human realm would be when you have a spiritual experience of bliss when you are touched by the Light of God.  (The Astral plain is where all emotions manifest. Lower Astral plains there is fear/anger and in the higher astral plains joy/happiness.)

Just as the Mother earth and Father Sun have an influence on the plant the whole starry universe makes an impression on the plant. The stars the you see at night in the universe is reflected on earth in the plants also. This reflection and influence the stars have on plants they manifest in the physical world as fragrance. So you can say the experience/interaction the plant get from the stars they reflect back to us here on earth as fragrance.

All things in the universe is spiritual beings with consciousness on different levels then humans. Though if you want to get in contact with the self consciousness of a plant you could do the following. Lets take a rose. Imagine the influence roses all over the world have on us. But not only now in this time, but over all the thousands of years. This influence and interaction humans have/has with roses ... Imagine it was with one spiritual conscious being. So instead of the rose,, there is a being that has the same influence on you. What kind of person would this being be.. personality, power, attributes...  If you want to speak to the self-conscious rose then you are speaking to a being like this.

This powerful conscious being of the rose lives high in the spiritual worlds and manifest on earth in all the plants we call the Rose.  If you could imagine your self in this high spiritual worlds then your nails would be to you what the rose plant is for this spiritual self conscious being. A real powerful loving spiritual being.

Thanks and blessings to all plants.

Wednesday, October 28


When I open my eyes
I experience God as a multitude 
When I close my eyes 
I experience God as a singularity
When I open my hands
I experience God through healing hands
When I close my hands
I experience God as the giver of blessings
When I open my ears
I experience God in transcendental music
When I close my ears
I experience God in the silence within

When I open my mind
I experience God in the Universe within
When I close my mind
I experience God in the darkness of ignorance
When I open my heart
I experience God as an in-consumable radiance
When I close my heart
I experience God as a enveloping care taker

No matter which door I open
Or what door I close
I always find God,
The Almight radianting being of pure
Light, Love, Wisdom and Understanding.