Sunday, October 27


Evolution is still happening at lightning speed
Either you can be a witness on the side lines
Or you can take your own evolution in hand


If you can not master and transform your passions
Your passions will master and transform you


Demons are just Angels going through their puberty

The Gates

Humanity are standing in front of the new gates
The gates that lead to the future
and the gates that lead to the past.

those that can not leave their animal nature behind
those that continue to do violence in any kind of form
Those that contribute to violence not matter the reason.
Physical violence, Emotional violence, Mental violence,

You are standing in front of a gate that leads to the past.
If you can not transform your violent animal nature
You will de-evolve back in to animal form.

If you can not transform and master your passions
Your passions will transform you
Your body will take the shapes of your passions.
regressing back into animal from.

But if you are willing to take the difficult road.
Step on to the road through the gate to the future.
Rather that evolution is happening to you
You evolve in to what you want to be.

Pass through the gate from human to Angel.
Quicken your self and do as Angels do.
Think as Angels do
Speak as an Angel would
Give as Angels do

Love as Angels do.

How can to the world ever stop the power of Angels.
How can anyone resist the love of Angels.

How can you not but become an Angel.

Take my hand and walk with me through the gate to the future.

Become all that you can me.

The Burning

how i am burning with your love.
How i am burning with my love.
how can this body contain the burning.

a burning light that seeks to manifest in the world.

There where there is pain
there where there is sorry
There where there is darkness

My heart vibrates to give love
My heart vibrates to give passion
My heart vibrates to give light

it i my heart that vibrates
How it builds up..
I am like a spinning top loosing control.

Accelerating to light  speed
Vibrating at the speed of light I am.

Leave Light behind and step out of time.

Billion particles become one.

We are what we are...

Wednesday, October 16

What I learned from Religion

From Buddhism I learned to Meditate
From Christianity I learned how to Pray
From Hinduism I learn to know my Passions
From Islam I learned Honor
From Sufism I learned to Dance
From Atheist I learned to appreciate Live
From Rastafarianism I learned to Relax
From Zoroastrianism I learned we are all One
From Judaism I learned Justice
From Baha’i learned Acceptance
From Taoism that there is always two sides to a Coin
From Indigenous religions I learned to know Elves and Gnomes
From African traditional religions I learned to respect my Elders

From the Native American religions I learned to listen to the voice of Nature
From Spiritualism I learned that we are not Alone
From Sikhism I learned Equality
From Jainism I learned that there are many points of View
From Shinto I learned Purity

Sunday, October 6

In Love

The Initiate falls a little bit in love with every person he meets.