I have read the way to enlightenment is non attachment. Non attachment to any thing of the world because that would cause you pain in the end. Losing a lover or losing any thing because your are attached to it. Emotionally attached. But on the other hand we also know that we are one with every thing. We are attached to God and God is attached to us. We are all attached to one another. We are all One. So it makes sense to me that if one of us suffers to others will feel it to. We will feel the same pain because we love that person. But we can choose how we react to the pain we feel. It is out of this pain/love that we as individuals are motivated to help other people (humanity). Never suppress any feeling/emotion but feel it all they way through and then decide how to act on it in a sober/enlighten frame of mind. Also ask your self where these emotions come from.
So I think that we need to define attachment better. For we know that some type of attachment is harmful and some is unavoidable and necessary. Or should I rather say the way we choose to react to attachment. Keep your centre while you are attached and be attached only through love.
Love, sex and celibacy
When I was young and I and my friend started being interested in the opposite sex we used to say that you know that you are truly in love with a girl when you are not trying to get her in bed. We all know how it feels to be in love with some one. You are in a constant state of ecstasy. Just to see that person or to touch him/her would be ultimate ecstasy. Most of us have had sex and most of the time it is a experience of your own sexual desires (Lust). But have you had sex with some one that you are totally in love with and that person with you? Where your whole existence is to please the other one.
This is the type of love that you should have for God because that is the type of love he/she has for you. When you are making love with your partner you are making love to God because we are One. Like Jesus said when you do any thing to some one you do it to him to.
I think falling in love and having children is very important because it teaches you to love. Love unconditionally. Because does not matter what your child does you always will love him/her.
In the movie “Himalaya” the monk decides to help his father because his teacher told him that when you have two paths in front of you take the most difficult one. That is the one where you will learn the most. Loosing your centre or making a mistake (sin) is not a bad thing but it is a wonderful thing. How else would one grow to a higher vibration. The catch is to recognize the mistake, take responsibility for it and correct it.
But coming back to the topic. If you are searching for a partner, love, in love-ness or sex out of wanting some thing then be celibate until you find your centre. But if these things come to you and you are able to give love, then give love with out reservations (fear). Sex is not love but sex is a by product of love. First you have to share love with some one and then only can you share sex in a loving way.
We know that one should love everyone and everything exactly the same. You should love the rapist just as much as you love your wife/husband/child/flowers because that is how God loves us. But lest take this scenario. I know two persons. A B . A I have never met before. B I have known for 5 years. Now I have to love both of them equally. So if you think about it the better you know some one the higher quality of love you can give him/her. You love both of them but the quality of love is not the same because you know the one person better. So the better you get to know God the better quality of love can flow between you two. So first you have to love a person and then when the flow of love is great enough (knowing understanding the person) you can choose to share sex in a loving and giving way. (Tantric way)
But don'tnt try to have sex with God :-) When you have sex with some one your auras merge and you exchange your qualities with each other(good and bad ones). In the spirit there is no physical part. So your spirits/souls merge and exchangege qualities. This is what you should aim for.
To merge with the Light !!!
So, what about people who have STDs?
I have a question: Have you ever had sex with your family? Wouldn't that be a great way to show love to those you love the most?
Oh wait, so it's actually okay to have sex with just about anyone then, because if it's with people I don't love then it would be a mistake (which is good), and if it's with people I love then it's still good. So basically I should just go out and fuck everyone I possibly can in the pursuit of a raw hedonistic pleasure because after I learn from my mistakes I will be a better person.
No I don't think it extends that far. What I am saying is that fist you should have true love for some one and sex will be some thing very spiritual. True love meaning that what is in the best interest for both. Having sex with STD does surely not take them in to consideration.
Sex is not the means to show your love. Love is they way to show your love.
That being said there are a lot of people that does not take the other in consideration but have sex for their own gratification.
My grandfather used to say: "It is good if you can learn from your own mistakes, but it is better to learn from other peoples mistakes". So you can go ahead and have sex with everyone knowing it is a mistake, but you are going to pay the price. Be a better person before not after.
Well said Herman, I agree. Exactly how I see it too. Dixi <3 Tarja
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