Friday, August 4

The Radio

We all know what a radio does. It receives signals and send out signals. These signals are waves of frequencies that travel through the air. Invisible to us. You can tune the radio to different signals and that is what sound will come out of the radio. Static noise or any kind of music, the news etc... etc....

Now our brain is just like a radio. We send out signal's with our thoughts. Our thoughts send out vibrations to the whole universe. These vibrations create our aura. These vibrations make some people like you immediately and others not. Now our brain can also receive vibrations(thoughts) from other people or places. Some one will say "This place give me the creeps". Your radio (intuition) picks up on the vibrations of the place. This also goes for people. "I don't trust so and so".
Your Radio can also pick up signals from heaven. These are the ones that you make a decision that saves your life or keep you out of danger. Why did i turn left and not right. If you did turn right you would of been in an accident. If I made any other decision at such and such a point my life would of been lost or a disaster. Your have to look at your own life but I am sure you get my point. These are the heavenly beings that send us radio signals at the time that we need them. Now the beings of a lower nature can also send us signals. Depression, hate, anger and fear ens... ens. These are thoughts that goes in circles. Your think the same thing over and over. As if your consciousness get dimmer when you have these low vibrations. The secret is to monitor your radio constantly to see to what vibration you are tuned to. Our brains is a much more delicate instrument than is what traditionally accepted. Very fine tuned radio can be used for remote viewing or telepathy and much more.

To what station is your radio tuned to ? What music do you play for everybody around you ? There is a lot of radio stations out there. Do you play only static or are you tuned to the heavenly stations of heaven/nirvana ? Or do you distort every-body's elses signal around you? Let your radio transmit music that lifts everybody higher and higher. Free to fly on the winds of love. Fly through the clouds of Light.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes those frequencies are in tune, sometimes a lot of static disturbing, well and all in between. <3 Tarja