Wednesday, July 1

What is a real Master?

Is a Master some one that has slaves. These slaves have no freedom of their own. They have no will of their own. They only follow the Masters will. Yes we know that there was and is Masters like that. And we will all agree that, that is not a real Master.

So what is a real Master or better said what is a Spiritual Master. Somebody with great knowledge and wisdom. That can sit on a cushion or podium and share his great knowledge with us. And we all feel lighter and free afterwards. Motivated to do good in the world and meditate more. No that is only some one with wisdom that knows how to talk.

A Master is some one that does not let other things dictate or master her. A Master is master of her own body. She does not let her body dictate what it wants like a little child. The body needs food but the master does not let her body over eat. The soul needs love but the Master does not let the bodies sex drive dictate her actions. The Master is able to start habits and stop habits at will. A true Master is master of all her physical drives, needs and urges. Does that mean the Master dictates and over power the body like a slave. Surely no. The Master take care of her body extremely well. But like a loving Father the Master gives her body freedom to enjoy life and be free. There are no set rules for live. Every situation is different and every person is different at each moment. What was good today might not be the right action tomorrow. So let you body be free and enjoy all the pleasures your body can give you. But do not let your body dictate your life.

A Master is also some one that has mastery over her emotions. When anger flairs up the Master does not let the emotion of anger any space in her soul. But feels it and lets it go the same second. Does not matter what the outside world show to the Master she can always choose what emotion to feel in any situation. In the face of death or great passion the Master can control consciously the kind and strength of emotion to feel. Just try it right now. Choose a emotion !! Now try and generate that emotion in your heart. Can you do it ? ? You see for most of us we need outside triggers to start emotions in us and when this emotions starts we don't have much control over it. The Master can generate passion for her lover when she wants. She can generate sadness when her friend leaves. But these emotions does not run over her, she gives them the freedom to be inside her. Most of all the Master beams out Love and kindness all the time from her heart, hands and eyes to every single thing that comes close to her.

A Master also is master of her thoughts. This is the traditional method of meditation. Calm the mind, stop the thoughts. I am sure you all know about this and how difficult it is. Before you know it, you are thinking about other things. Have you ever followed a conversation among a group of people. The conversation is about one topic and then someone mentions some thing else and the conversation just flows to the next topic. It all just happens automatically. The same happens with thoughts in your mind. One thought leads to another and then another. That is why it is called the train of thoughts. One wagon leads to another and another. You are not in control of your thoughts, they lead you from one to another. What happens outside of you create one thought after another in side you. You might disagree with me and say:”No I am the one thinking all my thoughts”. But take up my challenge !! Separate yourself from your thoughts and make your thoughts an object of investigation. Every now and then stop your train of thoughts. Think back on the thoughts that you have had in your mind for the past couple of minutes. And you will see how they lead from one to another. Most of the time with out you choosing anything consciously. This way you will also catch all your fears and insecurities. Thoughts that slip in to your mind and out again with out you remembering them at the end of the day.

The Master can stop her train of thought at any time. If she is thinking about revenge, she will catch the thought coming in to her mind and stop it the same second. She does not spend one second thinking jealous or fearful thoughts. Thoughts of depression or loneliness she does not entertain but throws them out immediately. The Master can pray for long periods of time because she can keep her mind focus on one thing. That is why Zen Buddhism teaches concentration. Concentration helps you sharpen and master your thoughts. The Master does not have a train of thought but chooses every topic and think it through until the end. The Master does not looses concentration but stops her thoughts at will.

A real Master is master of her body, soul and spirit. (Body, emotions, Mind) She is not a slave driver but give them freedom to express them selves and enjoy life. But she does not let them control her. She knows what is good for them and her. She takes them all by the hand and leads them forward. You are not your body, emotions or mind. These are only tools that you use. Don't identify your self with the tools you have. Separate your self from your emotions. Don't ride on the waves of emotion. Happy the one day and angry or sad the next. But just watch the waves go by and later on you can learn how to generate the right wave of emotion for the right moment.

The most difficult is to not identify your self with your thoughts. Different thoughts comes and goes but you are still there. In that space between thoughts you are still there. So know that when unwanted thoughts come in to you, don't identify with them. They are like unwanted visitors. Throw them out and choose your own thoughts wisely.

As we are all growing wiser and maturer from life to life, we will all become masters of you body, soul and spirit. Enjoy the journey and don't be to strict on your children.

Love and Kindness
Your Brother

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