Monday, December 21

Spiritual Diet

I generally found that I get over weight not by what I eat but by how much I eat. It is the same for your thoughts and feelings. You have to stop the constant flow of thoughts for some times. This is what is called meditation. It is like a diet for the mind. Not to get over weight with thoughts. Constant high or low, strong feelings is over eating for your soul. She also needs a rest.

People go on a diet for few day's or weeks (or detox). They loose weight and look and feel great. But then after the diet or when holiday starts they are back to their old eating habits and then after some time back to their old unfit self. Meditation is the same thing. Once a day you go and clear the mind of fatty thoughts, overweight emotions and fill it with pure Light and Love. But then as soon as the day starts you are back to your old thought patterns and the feelings that these thoughts create.

You should not go on a diet or detox but make a small changes to your diet. But keep these changes permanent. The same goes for your thoughts (spirit) and feelings (Soul). Don't just meditate few min a day but keep constant watch on what you think and what you feel. Make an assessment on how and what thoughts you entertain. Then start making small changes. Through out what you don't like and don't think these thoughts again. If you catch them through them out again. But you have to keep a constant watch out for them. The same goes for feelings that you don't like. To through out a feeling you need to change your thoughts and replace the feeling with another one.

To keep to a diet you need strong will power and self discipline. The same goes for a spiritual diet. But you also need to be awake. Know what you are thinking. Know what you are feeling. You have to be self aware. Raise you consciousness !!

So make your new years resolution to go on a spiritual diet ! ;-)

Beam the Light
Beam the Love
Sing the song of Life
Dance to the song of Life
Become one with Life Love and the Light

Herman -xXx-

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice thoughts... I love this kind of meditation.... and yes i'm going to diet everyday and its very important...;)