Friday, July 21


To me it means being full of Light. The Light/Love that people speak of that has had near death experiences. Or numerous other people that talk about a ecstasy or bliss experienced through meditation or any other way. Some thing that the Masters experience in a permanent way. So how do we get to be enlighted ?

In three easy step's ;-)

1. Know the truth

Your are a perfect spiritual being made out of pure Light and amazing powerful Love. Your are perfect just as you are. You don't get to become enlighted, your are enlighted.
  • Explained

    2. Accept the the truth
  • Now this is the most difficult part. The more you accept this, the more you will be able to live like it. This is the secret, acceptance.

    3. Live by the truth

    Now I know that all of us do not see our self's as enlighted beings. But just behave like it in the best way that you can. Don't judge yourself or be to hard on yourself. Constant change is the nature of the Light/God. Constant change ,evolvement, is perfection.

    Also have a look at the book 'Power of Now' by

  • Eckhart Tolle

  • Tuesday, July 18

    What is the meaning of life?

    It is a very common mistake that people would ask "What is the meaning of life?". Asking this question immediately one have to answer with a intellectual "mind" answer. Which leads you away from the truth. The question that you should ask is

    How do I experience Life ?

    This leads you to answer with the heart. Now there is a lot of experience's that you can have during your life. They all give you different feelings. But the ones that I am talking about is when you see your first baby been born. The star's in the eye when you saw your lover for the first time. When you burst out crying when your friends show you their love in hard times. Any small acts of kindness and love that you gave unasked for. These and many other experience's of the same kind give you a feeling of uplifting secure low vibration of Love in the core of your being. This is the experience of Life. There is no meaning, no meaning is needed. It just is.

    During your life these are experience's that happen to you. Now I would like to challenge you to make these experience's happen in your life and in the life of others. This you can do simply by acts of kindness and love that nobody asked for.

    Life is not all this intellectual. It is very easy, It is very simple. It is love

    Thursday, July 13

    Quotes so far!

    For all of you that are seeking a spiritual master to learn from it can be very frustrating. This lama or that new age stream or this occult society But there is a old saying that goes:"When the student is ready the master will show up". And when the master shows up you will be very surprised. Because there is no better spiritual master for you than you your self. Stop looking for the spiritual master outside your self. Inside you there is a divine spark. You are your own master. We can learn from each other but only you your self can teach you !

    The universe outside you is a reflection of the universe inside you. Bring in balance the universe inside you and the universe outside you will come in to balance.

    There is not some one out there that will save you. You to save your self. Actualy you are not lost in the first place. You have always been at home.

    We all know the term 'soul mate'. Well I say you do not have one soul mate out there, but every human being is your soul mate.

    How do you save the world ? By saving your self !! For the world is in you and you are in the world We are one.

    In the land of the blind the one eye is king. We are living in the land of the blind and the man with a opened spiritual eye is king.

    The truth is right underneath your nose. What is right underneath your nose ??? Air. The air you breath. If you do not breath your body will die. If you connect your thoughts to your breathing you stop the train of thoughts that race everyday through your mind If you connect your emotions to your breathing you will start to feel calm. Do this long enough and you will discoverer an infinite well of love/light in the centre of your being.

    There is infinite well of pure Light and amazing powerful Love in side you. Unlike a normal well, where if you take out all the water you will have nothing for tomorrow. With this spiritual well inside you, the more you give your Light and Love the deeper your well becomes

    We have to become like children to enter the Light. What does this mean ? How does children differ from adults ?
    1. A Child believes everything you tell him/her.
    2. A child trust you completely.
    3. A child loves you with out reservations.
    4. A child do not see evil in you.
    5. If you tell a child a story they live it. Mind and emotionally.
    6. A child laughts out of its belly.

    So next time you read the words of the great teachers have the attitude of a child. So next time you open your eyes have the attitude of a child.

    We are beings made out of love/light, having a human experience. We are love.

    I am in the Light and the Light is in me, You are in the Light and the
    Light is in you, You are in me and I am in you !

    God's name "I am what I am" is changing to "We are what We are"

    We are "God exploring her self through us"

    You are not your body. You are not your tide of emotions. Your are not your train of thought. Your are not your will, that is directing them. Your are Light unto Light, Love unto Love.

    Body, emotions, thought and will is only tools that you use. They are like 3 small children that you have to teach.

    Become consciously aware of your consciousness.
    Become consciously aware of your souls development.
    Directing your souls development consciously.

    We are all enlightened we just need to become aware of this fact

    People that has had a near deat experience talk about traveling through a tunnel towards a source of Light. This Light is pure amazing powerful Love. They are traveling from their mind through their throat (tunnel) to the center of their hearts. The source of all Light and Love. The home of God

    Evil is the love for self. Good is the love for others. The secret is to keep a balance between the two. Dont love others more than you are capable to love your self. Dont love your self more than you can love others. Try to keep the balance of love of the universe inside you and the universe outside you. As you grow more mature and wise you can raise the level for self love and love for others equally higher.

    If you take the line "Evil is the love for self. Good is the love for others" You can say that we live in a universe that is made out of total love. And that is the same what the mystic's and prophets says.

    You know thinking about these things is nice, but starting to live by them is great. For we know that every little particle is God, is Light, is Love, is Me. But if you start to live life from this view Wow !!

    We should stop looking at the prophets but start looking where they are pointing at.

    All things are conscious (on different levels), all things are made of love and light. even photons , dark matter, electrons ens...

    We should stop praying to God and just talk to God. Talk to God like she/he is your very good old friend that you share all secrets with. Laugh with.

    I hear a lot of people praying to God. "Please help me with >>>>. Please send your love to >>>>. Be with >>>." And so on. We should stop asking God to do things because she/he is already doing everything Godly possible. If some one needs help you should go and help. If some one needs love you should send your love.

    The church/Government should stop trying to regulate peoples actions, but start to teach them how to think. No ! teach people how to Love

    Attachment and Sex


    I have read the way to enlightenment is non attachment. Non attachment to any thing of the world because that would cause you pain in the end. Losing a lover or losing any thing because your are attached to it. Emotionally attached. But on the other hand we also know that we are one with every thing. We are attached to God and God is attached to us. We are all attached to one another. We are all One. So it makes sense to me that if one of us suffers to others will feel it to. We will feel the same pain because we love that person. But we can choose how we react to the pain we feel. It is out of this pain/love that we as individuals are motivated to help other people (humanity). Never suppress any feeling/emotion but feel it all they way through and then decide how to act on it in a sober/enlighten frame of mind. Also ask your self where these emotions come from.

    So I think that we need to define attachment better. For we know that some type of attachment is harmful and some is unavoidable and necessary. Or should I rather say the way we choose to react to attachment. Keep your centre while you are attached and be attached only through love.

    Love, sex and celibacy

    When I was young and I and my friend started being interested in the opposite sex we used to say that you know that you are truly in love with a girl when you are not trying to get her in bed. We all know how it feels to be in love with some one. You are in a constant state of ecstasy. Just to see that person or to touch him/her would be ultimate ecstasy. Most of us have had sex and most of the time it is a experience of your own sexual desires (Lust). But have you had sex with some one that you are totally in love with and that person with you? Where your whole existence is to please the other one.

    This is the type of love that you should have for God because that is the type of love he/she has for you. When you are making love with your partner you are making love to God because we are One. Like Jesus said when you do any thing to some one you do it to him to.
    I think falling in love and having children is very important because it teaches you to love. Love unconditionally. Because does not matter what your child does you always will love him/her.

    In the movie “Himalaya” the monk decides to help his father because his teacher told him that when you have two paths in front of you take the most difficult one. That is the one where you will learn the most. Loosing your centre or making a mistake (sin) is not a bad thing but it is a wonderful thing. How else would one grow to a higher vibration. The catch is to recognize the mistake, take responsibility for it and correct it.

    But coming back to the topic. If you are searching for a partner, love, in love-ness or sex out of wanting some thing then be celibate until you find your centre. But if these things come to you and you are able to give love, then give love with out reservations (fear). Sex is not love but sex is a by product of love. First you have to share love with some one and then only can you share sex in a loving way.

    We know that one should love everyone and everything exactly the same. You should love the rapist just as much as you love your wife/husband/child/flowers because that is how God loves us. But lest take this scenario. I know two persons. A B . A I have never met before. B I have known for 5 years. Now I have to love both of them equally. So if you think about it the better you know some one the higher quality of love you can give him/her. You love both of them but the quality of love is not the same because you know the one person better. So the better you get to know God the better quality of love can flow between you two. So first you have to love a person and then when the flow of love is great enough (knowing understanding the person) you can choose to share sex in a loving and giving way. (Tantric way)

    But don'tnt try to have sex with God :-) When you have sex with some one your auras merge and you exchange your qualities with each other(good and bad ones). In the spirit there is no physical part. So your spirits/souls merge and exchangege qualities. This is what you should aim for.

    To merge with the Light !!!

    Spiritual Surfing

    The Universe

    One thing that we can say is that the universe is in constant change. We ourself is also in constant change. Not just physically but spiritually too. As we grow older we mature and grow wise. So we see that the whole universe is evolving physically and spiritually, constantly the whole time. Now ! If we take that the Light (God) is the universe. We can say that the Light is in constant change and evolving. We are:"God exploring him/her self through us". So the Light is constantly evolving.

    Heaven, Paradise or Nirvana

    Traditional these 3 has been seen as a place where you rest forever. No more working, no more striving to become better or enlightened. It is because you have come to the end, you are enlightened. But ! Given in the light of the above paragraph this is not true. Like father like son. If the Light is constantly evolving so will we. Now at first this is not a concept that one would like to accept. Working, suffering, trying to become a better person is not some thing that one at first would like to do forever !!. But if you think about it for a while. If you accept that the Light is perfect. Then the process of constant evolvement must be perfect to. Accepting this as true you will see that you come to rest in the now , you come to peace with the process of evolving. No more do you have to work to become any thing or any one. You are perfect (as your Parent) just as you are. And you accept your self for who you are and where you are in life. And then a great peace come over you. Let me explain it with a example


    Life is like surfing on a wave in the ocean. You are in the ocean with your surfboard waiting for a good wave. Here comes a wave and you are on your board surfing. Exciting and exhilarating isn't is. Wind in your hair and the sun in your face. Live is like this. A constant wave that is teaching us how to give and receive love. Constant evolving. The longer you surf the better you become, the more mature. Now if you, the surfer, look at the horizon to see what lays ahead of you. You will loose focus on what you are doing and fall in the water. This is like people who are trying to hard to become some one or some thing. People who are trying to look for the beach because they think they will find nirvana/heaven there. Now you can also ,while surfing, look behind you and also fall in the water. These are people who think them self better then others. People who think they are some one special, that is in front of the others. People who do the wrong thing although the know what is the right thing to do. The list can go on and on but only you yourself know what you have to do to stay on the wave. You have to accept the process, go with the flow. Make peace with the fact that you will always be evolving.
    You may also ask where is Jesus and Buddha in this picture. Surely they must be far ahead of us. You will find out that Jesus is surfing next to you on the left saying:"Just take it easy and relax. Breath !!" Buddha on your right surfing with you saying:"Be a light unto your self and keep your balance" We should stop thinking laterally and start thinking horizontally. There is no master or great personalities above you and there is no one lower than you. We are all surfing on the same wave. We are all brother and sister. Now you might say that Jesus/Buddha is more evolved than you. Meaning they have been surfing longer than you have. This is not the nature of the Light, the nature is the constant evolving. There is no future nor past, just the constant now of evolving. Learning what love really is. Learning that you are love.

    What happened if you fall of the wave. For those of you who have been in the ocean you will know that there will always be a next wave to catch.

    And where is the Light in all of this.
    The Light(God) is making the waves. God is the ocean !!!!!

    Gay and Lesbian

    In recent times the question of Gay and Lesbian has become a topic of big controversy. I would like to give you with this essay some different angels to look at this. Lets first look at it from a physical point of view. I think most of us will agree that having some thing put up your anus is not what it was designed for. And I suppose this is the biggest argument form a physical point of view. What we must also remember is that using your hands or mouth (or any other part) for sexual gratification is also not what it was made for. But nobody makes a big fuss about that. So physically we should only have sex to have a baby and that’s it.

    So lets look at it from a spiritual point of view. The following question was put to the Christ. A married woman who lost her husband is by law given to his brother as wife. If the bother dies she is given to the next man in the family. Who’s wife will she be in heaven ? The Christ answered that she will be nobody’s wife because you will be like Angels. Now how is Angels different than humans ? They have no sex. But there is the Male and Female principal or qualities. Spiritual science teaches us the we have to develop our Male and Female qualities equally. So from this point of view we should be Bisexual..

    God is Love. Love is a emotion. This is not some thing that you understand or can logical work out, or comprehend. We are beings made out of pure Light and Powerful Love. So lets not understand this, lets feel this. Beam love to all humans does not matter if they are male or female. When the emotion of love is brought in to the physical how does it show it self ? Affection, hugging, cuddling, caring kissing ens … We should love all humans does not matter if they are male or female. And if this love should show it self in physical form what does it matter what the sex of the person is.

    So lets us leave each other in peace. If some one is Gay, Lesbian, Bi or Heterosexual let them be and don’t try and change them. Rather love and except some one as they are because that is what God does.

    I would like to leave you with this final thought. When a man unites with a man, or a woman unites with a woman. They can generate great Love between then. When a man unites with a woman they also generate great Love. But they can also create new life. They create a beautiful new born baby.

    Know yourself and you will know God

    Here is a wonderful account of a gay person that had a near death expernice

    How to Meditate

    For me meditation is like taking a rocket in to space. Where the different parts of the rocket relate to the different aspects of a human. So first of all there is the hull of the space rocket. This represents your body. The hull of the rocket needs to be air tight and strong enough to protect the rocket in open space. So to your body needs to be healthy and relaxed while meditating. There is lots of different positions but that is not so important, as long as you are comfortable and no noise to disturb you. Next there is the engine of the rocket. This gives the rocket the power to break earth gravity and travel through space. This relates to your will power. The stronger your will power the further you can travel. Next is the fuel of the rocket. The more fuel the further it can travel. The better quality fuel the better the performance. This relates to your emotions. This is the most important. What emotion do you choose ? Are you able to generate this emotion ? This also relate to the quality of your meditation and region in the spiritual world that you will visit. I use music to help me generate emotions. Next you get the pilot of the space rocket. This relates to your mind. Your mind directs the direction and destination of your journey, just like a pilot. In your mind you visualize the picture of your destination. This picture can change as you go along. There is also the navigation book. This is your imagination. The bigger your imagination the more places you can go to in the spiritual world.

    Hull --> Body
    Engine --> Will Power
    Fuel --> Emotions
    Pilot --> Mind
    Navigation Book --> Imagination

    So now lets take an example. Say for instance that you would like to practice the following truth. You are a being made out of pure clear Light and amazing powerful Love. This idea we have taken from our navigation book. We put out body in a comfortable position, in an environment that we will not be disturbed. Then we relax our whole body. Now after this we start building a picture in your mind. This is the pilot at work. You visualize Light streaming out of your eyes, hands and heart. This Light is made out of Pure Powerful Amazing Love. So this is where your fuel/emotions start to work. This is the most important. You should really feel the love streaming out of you. You should raise its intensity. Your will power(engine) holds this whole experience together. Your will power hold this picture in your mind and also keeps the emotions flowing.

    If any of these fail (Will Power, Emotions, Mind Picture) your rocket falls back to earth and the meditation is over. Obviously we all want to travel as far as possible. So now we can take this example and bring it to our daily life. That every time you should remind your self of the truth above and beam out Amazing Powerful Love to all humans, animals, plants and stones. (Even buildings, cars ens… ens)

    So this Meditation practice you can use for anything that you can find in your Navigation Book. Your imagination is your own limit. But the most important is the kind of emotion that you choose to generate and how do you direct it. Even more importantly is, are you able to generate an emotion at will ?

    There are many meditation methods out there. The best one is the one that works for you.