The Universe
One thing that we can say is that the universe is in constant change. We ourself is also in constant change. Not just physically but spiritually too. As we grow older we mature and grow wise. So we see that the whole universe is evolving physically and spiritually, constantly the whole time. Now ! If we take that the Light (God) is the universe. We can say that the Light is in constant change and evolving. We are:"God exploring him/her self through us". So the Light is constantly evolving.
Heaven, Paradise or Nirvana
Traditional these 3 has been seen as a place where you rest forever. No more working, no more striving to become better or enlightened. It is because you have come to the end, you are enlightened. But ! Given in the light of the above paragraph this is not true. Like father like son. If the Light is constantly evolving so will we. Now at first this is not a concept that one would like to accept. Working, suffering, trying to become a better person is not some thing that one at first would like to do forever !!. But if you think about it for a while. If you accept that the Light is perfect. Then the process of constant evolvement must be perfect to. Accepting this as true you will see that you come to rest in the now , you come to peace with the process of evolving. No more do you have to work to become any thing or any one. You are perfect (as your Parent) just as you are. And you accept your self for who you are and where you are in life. And then a great peace come over you. Let me explain it with a example
Life is like surfing on a wave in the ocean. You are in the ocean with your surfboard waiting for a good wave. Here comes a wave and you are on your board surfing. Exciting and exhilarating isn't is. Wind in your hair and the sun in your face. Live is like this. A constant wave that is teaching us how to give and receive love. Constant evolving. The longer you surf the better you become, the more mature. Now if you, the surfer, look at the horizon to see what lays ahead of you. You will loose focus on what you are doing and fall in the water. This is like people who are trying to hard to become some one or some thing. People who are trying to look for the beach because they think they will find nirvana/heaven there. Now you can also ,while surfing, look behind you and also fall in the water. These are people who think them self better then others. People who think they are some one special, that is in front of the others. People who do the wrong thing although the know what is the right thing to do. The list can go on and on but only you yourself know what you have to do to stay on the wave. You have to accept the process, go with the flow. Make peace with the fact that you will always be evolving.
You may also ask where is Jesus and Buddha in this picture. Surely they must be far ahead of us. You will find out that Jesus is surfing next to you on the left saying:"Just take it easy and relax. Breath !!" Buddha on your right surfing with you saying:"Be a light unto your self and keep your balance" We should stop thinking laterally and start thinking horizontally. There is no master or great personalities above you and there is no one lower than you. We are all surfing on the same wave. We are all brother and sister. Now you might say that Jesus/Buddha is more evolved than you. Meaning they have been surfing longer than you have. This is not the nature of the Light, the nature is the constant evolving. There is no future nor past, just the constant now of evolving. Learning what love really is. Learning that you are love.
What happened if you fall of the wave. For those of you who have been in the ocean you will know that there will always be a next wave to catch.
And where is the Light in all of this.
The Light(God) is making the waves. God is the ocean !!!!!
Again, I have several questions that I must ask with regard to your philosophies. What support do you have for the idea that the Light is the universe? From your perspective, is God a personality (a Being who is almighty and has a supreme consciousness), or merely a personification of physical matter for the sake of personification? If God is perfect, then why would He evolve? Evolution implies improvement. How can one improve upon perfection? This seems to be a contradictory statement.
The concept of a constant evolution seems to be a beautiful thing. But I wonder if this leads to a complacency. If we are perfect creatures (who constantly evolve, no less!), then why do we strive to better ourselves?
Thinking horizontally is a way of equalizing humanity. However, this seems to pardon any wrongdoings. For example, are you saying that a murderer is simply straying from his path? His pardon for sin originates in his equality. If he is no higher or lower than you are, then you, in turn, are no better than a rapist or a murderer. At the same time, although this person has murdered someone, he is perfect. Your philosophy seems to pardon all sins. Is there even a sense of right or wrong in your world?
Another question I would like answered: Your surfing metaphor seems to make it to be as though we are isolated within our own sphere of evolution. However, we know that one human can cause effect upon another. There is a hypothetical situation in which one could, in your philosophy, "go with the flow" his entire life and yet be constantly harried by others. These attacks could be carried out to the point where the individual is killed. In a word, he is dead. Are his killers to be pardoned, as they are simply straying from the path? And what of the individual who was killed? Is there life after death, and further evolution? If so, what is the point of living? If evolution continues after life, then life itself seems to have no advantage over death. If you are able, please respond to these questions. If you have no answer, then I find your philosophy to be distressingly incomplete.
Thanks for you comments. I will answer your questions the best I can.
1. What support do you have for the idea that the Light is the universe?
This comes mostly from people that have had near death experience's. Where they experience "God" as pure Light and amazing powerful Love. This is also my personal experience.
2. From your perspective, is God a personality or merely a personification of physical matter for the sake of personification?
God/Light is a personality. This is also personal experience and that from near death experience's. Logically I am a personality so God must be too.
3. If God is perfect, then why would He evolve?
That is a very good question. If there is no time and no space IE. all is infinite. Then there is no end, no beginning. So no nirvana or heaven where all comes to an end and your rest for ever. IE no perfection. Then you come to the conclusion evolving is perfection. So who said God is perfect?
4. If we are perfect creatures (who constantly evolve, no less!), then why do we strive to better ourselves?
This is the same problem is in the question above(3) We share this phenomena with God.
As far as your other questions. In my metaphor I am just looking at the whole phenomena of life from one little view point. There are millions of other view points to get a deeper incite in this phenomena we call life. So you can say "spiritual surfing" is one small slice of the big cake of life.
"However, this seems to pardon any wrongdoings" Off course murder and and rape is not a good thing. But to get a deeper incite in this we would need to use a different metaphor. The same for your questions about isolation. We all influence each other. The whole planted you can see as one organism that is conscious. Killing a another human is like cutting off your own hand.
4. Is there life after death, and further evolution?
Yes to both. This is again form near death and personal. What do you think of reincarnation ?
5. If evolution continues after life, then life itself seems to have no advantage over death.
In life you can have certain experiences, and in death, or the spirit world, you can only have other kind of experiences. You can say the two work together to help us evolve. So they have equal importance. If you take reincarnation in to consideration it makes more sense. You live in the world then in the spirit and then in the world again. And so evolutions goes for humans at the moment.
Thanks again for your comments. Please feel free to comment on my comments!
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