In recent times the question of Gay and Lesbian has become a topic of big controversy. I would like to give you with this essay some different angels to look at this. Lets first look at it from a physical point of view. I think most of us will agree that having some thing put up your anus is not what it was designed for. And I suppose this is the biggest argument form a physical point of view. What we must also remember is that using your hands or mouth (or any other part) for sexual gratification is also not what it was made for. But nobody makes a big fuss about that. So physically we should only have sex to have a baby and that’s it.
So lets look at it from a spiritual point of view. The following question was put to the Christ. A married woman who lost her husband is by law given to his brother as wife. If the bother dies she is given to the next man in the family. Who’s wife will she be in heaven ? The Christ answered that she will be nobody’s wife because you will be like Angels. Now how is Angels different than humans ? They have no sex. But there is the Male and Female principal or qualities. Spiritual science teaches us the we have to develop our Male and Female qualities equally. So from this point of view we should be Bisexual..
God is Love. Love is a emotion. This is not some thing that you understand or can logical work out, or comprehend. We are beings made out of pure Light and Powerful Love. So lets not understand this, lets feel this. Beam love to all humans does not matter if they are male or female. When the emotion of love is brought in to the physical how does it show it self ? Affection, hugging, cuddling, caring kissing ens … We should love all humans does not matter if they are male or female. And if this love should show it self in physical form what does it matter what the sex of the person is.
So lets us leave each other in peace. If some one is Gay, Lesbian, Bi or Heterosexual let them be and don’t try and change them. Rather love and except some one as they are because that is what God does.
I would like to leave you with this final thought. When a man unites with a man, or a woman unites with a woman. They can generate great Love between then. When a man unites with a woman they also generate great Love. But they can also create new life. They create a beautiful new born baby.
Know yourself and you will know God
Here is a wonderful account of a gay person that had a near death expernice
I happened to stumble across this site.
And I was wondering if you think that this extends to animals and children as well? Following your line of thought, it seems as though we can justify and rationalize other kinds of love such as bestiality and pedophilia.
No I dont think it extends that far. What I am saying is that fist you should have true love for some one and sex will be some thing very spiritual. True love meaning that what is in the best interest for both. Having sex with a child or animal does surely not take them in to consideration. That being said there are a lot of people that does not take the other in consideration but have sex for their own gratification. So lets put true consideration for others first. Lets put Love first.
I think that if you follow your line of reasoning, we arrive at a possible situation in which it would seem that pedophilia would be rationalized according to your philosophy. There is a situation in which a child and an individual of a much older age could possess that kind of love which you speak of, and in which that kind of sex would be that spiritual experience. If you were to disallow for this situation, it would seem to me that you would be either making a generalization with regard to the entire human population or else you would be using yourself to speak for those individuals in that situation in denying it.
I would like to point out a few more things. True Love exist between all things. It does not matter of the age difference or any other physical differences. But we have to take great care when this goes over in to sex.
In the case of an adult and child. Sure they can have true love from both sides. But does this true love extend to sex ? No! Firstly the child is physical not ready for sex. Their sexual parts is not developed. Also psychologically the child is not ready for any such experience. Hence you would cause the child great harm physically and psychologically. That is not true love.
True Love actions would be those that have the best interest and outcome for both parties and the people and environment a round them.
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