Thursday, July 13

Quotes so far!

For all of you that are seeking a spiritual master to learn from it can be very frustrating. This lama or that new age stream or this occult society But there is a old saying that goes:"When the student is ready the master will show up". And when the master shows up you will be very surprised. Because there is no better spiritual master for you than you your self. Stop looking for the spiritual master outside your self. Inside you there is a divine spark. You are your own master. We can learn from each other but only you your self can teach you !

The universe outside you is a reflection of the universe inside you. Bring in balance the universe inside you and the universe outside you will come in to balance.

There is not some one out there that will save you. You to save your self. Actualy you are not lost in the first place. You have always been at home.

We all know the term 'soul mate'. Well I say you do not have one soul mate out there, but every human being is your soul mate.

How do you save the world ? By saving your self !! For the world is in you and you are in the world We are one.

In the land of the blind the one eye is king. We are living in the land of the blind and the man with a opened spiritual eye is king.

The truth is right underneath your nose. What is right underneath your nose ??? Air. The air you breath. If you do not breath your body will die. If you connect your thoughts to your breathing you stop the train of thoughts that race everyday through your mind If you connect your emotions to your breathing you will start to feel calm. Do this long enough and you will discoverer an infinite well of love/light in the centre of your being.

There is infinite well of pure Light and amazing powerful Love in side you. Unlike a normal well, where if you take out all the water you will have nothing for tomorrow. With this spiritual well inside you, the more you give your Light and Love the deeper your well becomes

We have to become like children to enter the Light. What does this mean ? How does children differ from adults ?
1. A Child believes everything you tell him/her.
2. A child trust you completely.
3. A child loves you with out reservations.
4. A child do not see evil in you.
5. If you tell a child a story they live it. Mind and emotionally.
6. A child laughts out of its belly.

So next time you read the words of the great teachers have the attitude of a child. So next time you open your eyes have the attitude of a child.

We are beings made out of love/light, having a human experience. We are love.

I am in the Light and the Light is in me, You are in the Light and the
Light is in you, You are in me and I am in you !

God's name "I am what I am" is changing to "We are what We are"

We are "God exploring her self through us"

You are not your body. You are not your tide of emotions. Your are not your train of thought. Your are not your will, that is directing them. Your are Light unto Light, Love unto Love.

Body, emotions, thought and will is only tools that you use. They are like 3 small children that you have to teach.

Become consciously aware of your consciousness.
Become consciously aware of your souls development.
Directing your souls development consciously.

We are all enlightened we just need to become aware of this fact

People that has had a near deat experience talk about traveling through a tunnel towards a source of Light. This Light is pure amazing powerful Love. They are traveling from their mind through their throat (tunnel) to the center of their hearts. The source of all Light and Love. The home of God

Evil is the love for self. Good is the love for others. The secret is to keep a balance between the two. Dont love others more than you are capable to love your self. Dont love your self more than you can love others. Try to keep the balance of love of the universe inside you and the universe outside you. As you grow more mature and wise you can raise the level for self love and love for others equally higher.

If you take the line "Evil is the love for self. Good is the love for others" You can say that we live in a universe that is made out of total love. And that is the same what the mystic's and prophets says.

You know thinking about these things is nice, but starting to live by them is great. For we know that every little particle is God, is Light, is Love, is Me. But if you start to live life from this view Wow !!

We should stop looking at the prophets but start looking where they are pointing at.

All things are conscious (on different levels), all things are made of love and light. even photons , dark matter, electrons ens...

We should stop praying to God and just talk to God. Talk to God like she/he is your very good old friend that you share all secrets with. Laugh with.

I hear a lot of people praying to God. "Please help me with >>>>. Please send your love to >>>>. Be with >>>." And so on. We should stop asking God to do things because she/he is already doing everything Godly possible. If some one needs help you should go and help. If some one needs love you should send your love.

The church/Government should stop trying to regulate peoples actions, but start to teach them how to think. No ! teach people how to Love


Anonymous said...

You keep talking about love as being something we ought to strive for. Why is it that you say this, and on what authority are you able to say that love is so important?

I think it is fairly obvious that humans possess a sin nature and a tendency towards evil which combats whatever tendencies we have towards good. You seem to indicate that humans are inherently good (referencing your theory that we are constantly evolving). Can you expand on this?

Herman Naude said...

Why is it that you say this?

Because I have experienced this. Or rather let me say, I have had some experience's and closes words that I have to explain it is Amazing Power-full Light and Love. And I share this because I can not hold it in side me. By its very nature if i don't share it would not be Love any more.

On what Authority?

The Light/God has asked me to bear witness to that what I have seen and experienced.

Can you expand on this?

I will write a new entry for you. The title will be "Evil VS Good".

Anonymous said...

What exactly do you mean by the Light/God has asked you to bear witness? I notice that you don't seem to directly quote any Scripture from any religion, but rather seem to use a new age/Buddhist there a specific religion that you have? just curious.

Herman Naude said...

What exactly do you mean by the Light/God has asked you to bear witness?
This comes from a personal spiritual experience that I had. I will leave that private for now.

It is on purpose that i don't quote any scriptures of any kind. I don't want people to put me in any kind of religious box. No i don't have any specific religion. I think all religions comes from the same source. I did how ever grew up with a religion. This that i write here is my own experience and opinion.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you consider what you write to be constant/abosolute. What I mean by this is I would like to know whether you feel that it is possible for your philosophies to be fallibe or inconsistent given the right circumstances, or whether you have no doubts about your ideals. Anoter way of saying this is whether you would say that your philosophies cannot be wrong, or if you admit that your philosophies contain error or the potential for error.

Herman Naude said...

For sure my philosophies is fallible. And I will change them at a moments notice when i find some thing better.
It is very important for me to be very open for new ideas. Any throw away my own idea's that does not fit.
6 years ago i thought that my religion was right and the rest was wrong. That seems light years away now.
And who know's what i might think in 6 year from now.
But this is how you grow and learn.